What we offer

Fresh organic vegetables all year long!

We have been pro­duc­ing over 60 vari­eties of veg­eta­bles through eco­log­i­cal­ly respon­si­ble meth­ods since 2009.

Dur­ing the grow­ing sea­son, our prod­ucts are main­ly sold in CSA bas­kets. We also sell to some gro­cery stores and restau­rants in the region. 

Our baskets

For more information or to sign up

Our com­mu­ni­ty sup­port­ed agri­cul­ture (CSA) bas­kets are deliv­ered over the course of 24 weeks dur­ing the reg­u­lar sea­son and every oth­er week through­out the winter.

A bas­ket includes 7 to 10 vari­eties of sea­son­al veg­eta­bles as well as fruits and herbs.

Beyond a way to sup­port local agri­cul­ture, a bas­ket sub­scrip­tion offers you:

Kiosk at the farm

Online store

Even with­out a sub­scrip­tion, you can buy our prod­ucts direct­ly at the farm kiosk on Wednes­days from 4 to 6:30 pm as well as at our oth­er deliv­ery points. Thanks to our online store, prod­ucts can be ordered in advance.

To find out more




The farm is host to a small flower project. Marie-Andrée grows mag­nif­i­cent bou­quets all sum­mer long. She takes sub­scrip­tion on her website.
