Summer Basket

How does it work?

You can find the form to sign up at the bot­tom of this page.

CSA baskets: a simple idea with major benefits for the local economy, the environment, and your plate!

A com­mu­ni­ty sup­port­ed agri­cul­ture (CSA) bas­ket pro­vides a direct rela­tion­ship between the folks who grow pro­duce and those who eat it. Your sub­scrip­tion sus­tains a farm that val­ues the local econ­o­my and the envi­ron­ment along with the health of its employ­ees and clients. Your finan­cial sup­port is trans­formed into deli­cious organ­ic fruits and vegetables.

We will faith­ful­ly show up every week with your fresh­ly har­vest­ed veg­eta­bles. All you need to do is meet us at the deliv­ery point to pick them up.

What to expect

All of our deliv­ery points are run as mini-mar­kets: you have the choice between cer­tain veg­eta­bles as well as the option to buy addi­tion­al ones, whether you are mak­ing pre­serves or cook­ing for guests.

A few com­pli­men­ta­ry treats are also offered at some of our deliv­ery points, notably organ­ic sour­dough bread, organ­ic fruits and berries, local hon­ey, eggs, and more!

Leaving on vacation? No problem!

Thanks to your per­son­al­ized deliv­ery cal­en­dar, you can resched­ule an unlim­it­ed num­ber of bas­kets for dates that suit you better.

Basket sizes

Did you know that the price of our organ­ic veg­eta­bles is com­pa­ra­ble to the price of con­ven­tion­al veg­eta­bles from the gro­cery store?
Avec un abon­nement, vous économisez automa­tique­ment au moins 10 %!**

  • Fam­i­ly (dou­ble) –  69$/basket  24 deliv­er­ies*. For 4 to 5 people
  • Week­ly bas­ket — $35.50 per bas­ket, 24 deliv­er­ies* For 2 to 3 people
  • Every two weeks- 37$/basket for 12 deliv­er­ies*. For 1 to 2 people
  • Gift or try out bas­ket — 40$ for a one time basket

If you are inter­est­ed in a bas­ket every oth­er week, we encour­age you to split a week­ly sub­scrip­tion with a friend—the cost will be low­er for you and you’ll be help­ing us out. You can also share a dou­ble bas­ket with a friend.

*An annuelle fee of 28$ for the Reseau de Fer­mi­er de Famille is required with every subscription

**We guar­an­tee that every bas­ket you receive this sum­mer will have a val­ue of 10% more than what you paid

Pay in 1 to 3 instal­ments.
Please pri­or­itze pay­ing by E‑transfer or bank trans­fer (cred­it card fees are expensive!)

Our delivery points


  • Pointe-Saint-Charles : St Charles Church, 2111 Cen­tre Street (cor­ner of Cen­tre and Island)
    • Thurs­days from 4:30 to 6:30 pm
  • NDG : St. Ansgar’s Luther­an Church, 4020 Grand Boulevard
    • Thurs­days from 4 to 7 pm


  • La Prairie : Rous­sil­lon Arche­ol­o­gy Muse­um, 214 Saint-Ignace Street
    • Tues­days from 4:30 to 6:30 pm
  • Château­guay : SAQ Sélec­tion, 88 Boule­vard d’Anjou
    • Tues­days from 4 to 6 pm
  • Orm­stown : At the farm, 1150 Rang des Botreaux
    • Moment de dis­tri­b­u­tion : mer­cre­di de 16 h à 18 h

How to subscribe

  1. Choose your deliv­ery point : where you will pick up your basket.
  2. Choose the size of your bas­ket : reg­u­lar or double.
  3. Choose the fre­quen­cy of your bas­ket : every week, every oth­er week, or gift bas­ket (one-time delivery).
  4. Click on the « Pro­ceed with your reg­is­tra­tion » link.

You will receive our week­ly newslet­ter as well as text mes­sages to remind you of your deliv­ery day. 

Con­nec­tion problems:

Our sys­tem is not always com­pat­i­ble with Microsoft email address­es (hot­mail, msn, live, out­look) and at times with some oth­ers. If your reg­is­tra­tion is inter­rupt­ed after you have entered your email address, please write to us so we can help you fix the prob­lem:

Exam­ple of a bas­ket in ear­ly June

Exam­ple of a bas­ket in ear­ly July

Access your client profile
