Winter Basket


How do the Winter Baskets Work?

Win­ter bas­kets con­sist of 12 deliv­er­ies (every oth­er week) or 6 deliv­er­ies (once a month) over 24 weeks. Deliv­er­ies take place less fre­quent­ly, this means that the bas­kets are a lit­tle larg­er than the sum­mer bas­kets so that you have enough veg­eta­bles to feed you until your next basket.

Dur­ing the drop off we put all of our veg­gies out and you will be giv­en a weight, for exam­ple 11 pounds. This means you can choose what you would like and weigh out up to 11 pounds of what­ev­er. We like to call it the ”choose your own adven­ture” style of basket.

The greens and frozen things are not includ­ed in the by weight sec­tion but most oth­er veg­gies and the apples are.

Here is an exam­ple of the bas­kets dur­ing the season

Decem­ber Decem­ber: gar­lic, pac choi or arugu­la, frozen baby gin­ger,  kale or spinach, 9 lbs of win­ter veg of your choice (roots, onions, cab­bage, apples, squash, etc)

Feb­ru­ary Feb­ru­ary: Gar­lic, spinach, sun­flower sprouts, frozen cher­ry toma­toes, 11 lbs of win­ter veg of your choosing

April April: Mesclun let­tuce mix, arugu­la or mizu­na, sum­mer radish, frozen dill or corian­der, 9 lbs of win­ter veg of your choosing

Delivery points

The bas­kets start in mid-novem­ber and fin­ish at the end of april

  • Orm­stown : Wednes­days from 15h30 à 17h30 Place: The farm, 1150 rang des Botreaux­in the caveau (where there is a garage door to the right of the barn)
  • Chateau­guay: Tues­days from 5pm to 6:30pm. Place: Les Bouchées d’Ang­ie (the old Chopiner­ie) 65 Rue Prin­ci­pale, Châteauguay.
  • La Prairie: Tues­days from 5:30pm to 7pm. Place: QG. Du Vieux La Prairie 206 Rue Sainte-Marie, La Prairie
  • Point Saint Charles: Thurs­days from 4:30 à 6:30. Place: Bâti­ment 7 1900 rue Le Ber suite 201, Montreal.

If you have any ques­tions feel free to email Jess at

What is in the Winter Baskets

There are plen­ty of won­der­ful veg­gies to eat in the winter!

Here is a list of what you can expect to find in the win­ter baskets:

Oth­er greens
Cab­bage (red and green!)
Daikon and water mel­on radish
Sweet pota­toes
Frozen prod­ucts like gin­ger, toma­toes and herbs

and more!


The win­ter bas­kets are a bit big­ger so they cost a bit more than the sum­mer bas­kets. Here is the cost breakdown:

12 deliv­er­ies 41.50$/week * 12 weeks = 498$+28$* (Reseau de Fer­miers de Familles fees) = 526$

6 deliv­er­ies43.50$/week * 12 weeks = 261$+28$* (Reseau de Fer­miers de Familles fees) = 289$

*These fees are waived if you are already a mem­ber of the RFF from a sum­mer bas­ket subscription.
